In the task my group was required to produce the website for the Mirror online. We first ranked each news story in order as most important and most likely to be featured on the homepage of the website. Then, in my team of two, we each found 2 news images and made headlines for the 4
secondary stories. Together we worked on the main story, the headline and the skin of the website.
2) For one media form, describe the codes and conventions you chose to follow and explain their intended impact.
For the Daily Mirror's website we decided to choose news stories which were mainly factual however we did also put in some entertainment news such as Ant and Dec on next years celebrity Big Brother and Trumps ridiculous tweet. We stuck to the layout of the main story taking precedence at the top and the large bold headline beneath it, followed by the four secondary stories. Beneath the stories we put a shortened version of the headline and also the topic/ type of news story which was a key convention on the webpage. This layout is very conventional which helps the audience as they are already familiar with it.
3) Explain how your choices reflect the real newspaper's values and target audience.
Our choices, such as the stories which we selected, are typical of the Daily mirror and so therefore keep the target audience as they already know what they are expecting, inevitably liking the content. Also, the story such as the one on Trump, helps to identify the newspaper's labour views by ridiculing Donald Trump.
We predominantly featured the same stories to keep the synergy throughout the media forms, however, we used an array of different images. As a group we decided on the top stories for example the terrorist attack being our main story. Despite this, we still wanted to have some humour as The Daily Mirror is a tabloid newspaper. To do this, we used puns in a few of the headlines enabling us to keep a balance between information and humour.
An adequate response to the set questions. Good understanding of political context demonstrated. EBI would be more reference to codes and conventions generally and a lack of reference to the Mirror audience.