Thursday, 18 January 2018

2. Existing adverts/campaigns I have researched and how these have influenced my ideas

Before I started to plan my TV adverts I decided to look at existing adverts which appeal to similar audiences. This was helpful because the adverts I looked at were interesting and inspirational. Here are some adverts which appealed to me and helped to inspire my campaign:

The Lynx (soulmates) TV advert influenced my adverts because of its concept of different periods of history where each time the male actor was still working towards 'getting the girl'. I slightly want to incorporate this into my advert as each different actor will show part of their daily routine and the editing will be similarly fast-paced, seamlessly flowing from one to the next.

The celebrities within this Nike advert showcase many different sports and activities which is important to show the products versatility. In my advert, by having the actors do different things, I hope that it is relatable and depicts how the deodorant can be used wherever and whenever.
This advert has a wide variety of people within it emulating the idea that anyone and everyone can wear Nike's products. I would like to incorporate this into my adverts in order to appeal to a wide variety of people within the 16-25 audience age range.

From looking at these adverts I have found useful techniques and ideas which I would like to incorporate into my own two TV adverts.

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